BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE L'ARCHITECTURE EN PIERRE SÈCHE DE L'IRLANDE A bibliography of the dry stone architecture of Ireland Liste compilée par / A list compiled by Christian Lassure 1858 Du Noyer G. V., On the remains of ancient habitations ( ) west of Dingle, in Archaelogical Journal, vol. XV, 1858, pp. 1-24 1889 Macalister Robert Alexander S., On an Ancient Settlement in the South-West of the Barony of Corkaguiney, County of Kerry, in The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 31, part. VII, March 1899, pp. 209 et suivantes [A propos d'un village des temps anciens dans le sud-ouest de la baronie de Corkaguiney dans le comté de Kerry] Milligan S. F., The Ancient Irish Hot-air Bath, in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. XIX, 1889, p. 268, with plate (description of the Legeolan sweathouse (N. 13) and of others in other counties) [La bonne vieille étuve irlandaise] 1905 Quinn James (Rev.), Ancient Irish Bath-houses, in County Louth Archaeological Journal, vol. I, 1905, pp. 36-37 [Vieilles étuves irlandaises] 1911 Quinn James Rev., Ancient Irish Bath-houses, in County Louth Archaeological Journal, vol. II, 1911, p. 440 [Vieilles étuves irlandaises] Tempest R. G., Sweathouse at Ravensdale, in County Louth Archaeological Journal, vol. II, 1908-1911, p. 440 [Le sauna de Ravendsdale] 1928 Macalister Robert Alexander S., The Archaeology of Ireland, London, 1928, en part. pp. 241-245 (The clochán) 1938 May A. LcL, Sweat Houses (Toigthe Alluis) of County Londonderry, dans Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3rd series, vol. I, part 1, January 1938, pp. 44-45, with plate 5a [Etuves du comté de Londonderry] 1939 Richardson Phyllis, Sweathouses between Blacklion and Dowra, County Cavan, in Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3rd series, vol. II, January 1939, pp. 32-35, with plate IV [Saunas entre Blacklion et Dowra dans le comté de Cavan] 1942 Evans E. Estyn, with E. Watson, The Stone Houses, Tricloy, County Antrim, in Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3rd series, vol. V, 1942, pp. 62-65 [Les maisons en pierre à Tricloy dans le comté d'Antrim] 1945 Danachair Caoimhfghín Ua, Some Primitive Structures Used as Dwellings, in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. LXXV, 1945, pp. 204-212 (on booley sites in Donegal) [Quelques structures primitives servant d'habitations] 1948 Henry Françoise, Early Monasteries, Boat-shaped Oratories and Beehive Huts, in County Louth Archaeological Journal, vol. XI, 1948, N. 4, pp. 296-304 [Monastères, oratoires en forme de nef et cabanes en forme de ruche des premiers temps] 1952 O'Danachair C. and Lucas A. T., Sweathouses, County Tyrone, in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. LXXXII, 1952, pp. 179-180 [Saunas dans le comté de Tyrone] Price T. L., Sweathouse, County Wicklow, in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. LXXXII, 1952, pp. 180-181 [Sauna dans le comté de Wicklow] 1954 Piggott Stuart, Some Primitive Structures in Achill Island, in Antiquity, A Quarterly Review of Archaeology, vol. XXVIII, 1954, pp. 19-24 (on booleys / sur les cabanes d'estive) [Quelques constructions primitives sur l'île Achill] 1955 De Paor Liam, A Survey of Sceilg Mhichél, in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. LXXXV, 1955, pp. 174-187 [Etude de Sceilg Mhuchél] 1956 Buchanan R. H., Corbelled Structures in Lecale, County Down, in Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3rd series, vol. XIX, 1956, pp. 92-107 (on clochauns of North-eastern islands / Sur les clochauns des îles du Nord-est) [Constructions à voûte d'encorbellement à Lecale dans le comté de Down] 1957 Henry Françoise, Early Monasteries, Beehive Huts and Dry-stone Houses in the Neighbourhood of Caherciveen and Waterville (Co. Kerry), in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. LVIII, N. 3, February 1957, pp. 45-166 [Monastères, Cabanes en forme de ruche et maisons en pierre sèche des premiers temps dans les environs de Caherciveen et de Waterville (comté de Kerry)] 1964 Aalen F. H. A., Clochans as Transhumance Dwellings in the Dingle Peninsula, County Kerry, in The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. XCIV, 1964, part. 1, pp. 39-45 [Les clochans, habitations de transhumants sur la péninsule de Dingle, dans le comté de Kerry] 1967 Evans Estyn E., Irish Folk Ways, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1967, 1st edition, chap. III, Bally and Booley, pp. 34-38, chap. VIII, Farmyards and Fences, pp. 100-110, chap. IX, Kilns and Clochauns, pp. 114-126 [Coutumes populaires irlandaises] Weber May et Janique Anne-Marie, A l'Extrême-Occident, un sanctuaire du christianisme primitif, Skellig Michael, in Archéologia, No 16, mai-juin 1967, pp. 22-29 [In the far-western reaches, an early Christian sanctuary, Skellig Michael] 1970 Harbison Peter, How Old is Gallarus Oratory, a Reappraisal of the Role of Gallarus Oratory in Early Irish Architecture, in Medieval Archaeology, vol. XIV, 1970, pp. 34-59 [Quel âge a l'oratoire de Gallarus ? Révision de la place de l'oratoire de Gallarus dans l'architecture irlandaise des origines] 1979 Anthony Weir, Sweathouses and Simple Stone Structures in County Louth and Elsewhere in Ireland, in Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1979, pp. 185-196 1989 Herity Michael, Early Irish Ermitages in the Lives of Cuthbert, in Bonner G., Rollason D. and Stancliffe C. ed., Saint Cuthbert, his Cult and his Community to AD 1200, Durham, 1989, pp. 45-63 1990 Herity Michael, Building in Unmortared Stone to the Early Christian Period in Ireland, in Atti del I Seminario Internazionale Architettura in pietra a secco (Noci - Alberobello 27-30 settembre 1987), Fasano, 1990, pp. 285-294 1994 Christian Lassure, L'« oratoire » de Gallarus (Comté de Kerry, Irlande) : église primitive du haut Moyen Âge ou chapelle funéraire privée du XVIIe siècle ?, in L'Architecture vernaculaire, t. 18, 1994, pp. 45-47. 2012 Christian Lassure, Is the Gallarus "oratory'' in County Kerry, Ireland, an early mediaeval primitive church or a 17th-century private funerary chapel?,, February 17th, 2012 (traduction en anglais de l'article de 1994) © CERAV Référence à citer / To be referenced as : Christian Lassure page d'accueil sommaire bibliographies