architecture de pierre sèche

centre d'études et de recherches sur l'architecture vernaculaire



Vernacular Architecture

The vernacular architecture of France

The CERAV and the studies on the dry stone architecture of France: an assessment of a decade of research and publication (1977-1987)

The vernacular architecture of Périgord and higher Quercy

The vernacular architecture of Gascony and Aquitaine

The vernacular architecture of Bearn and Bigorre

The vernacular architecture of the Centre Region

A new myth: ancestral architecture

Dry Stone Architecture

Dry stone "cabanes": a definition

The vault of corbelled and outward-inclining dry stones: a definition

The vault of mortarless stone voussoirs

Dry stone huts and private photographs of the first half of the twentieth century

Dating dry stone huts from dates inscribed in stone

Is dry stonework earthquake-resistant?

Vaulting, facing and infilling as components of corbelled construction

In Uzège, are ogive-shaped huts earlier in date than pyramid-shaped huts?

The tools of dry stone builders in the Ardèche and Ariège departments (France), in the Catalan and Valencian countries (Spain)

The new myths of dry stone walling (source :

The cleitean of the St. Kilda archipelago in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Is the Gallarus "oratory'' in County Kerry, Ireland, an early mediaeval primitive church or a 17th-century private funerary chapel?

The caprili of the island of Elba

Agricultural tholoi of Magnesia (Greece)

The tazotas and toufris of the hinterland of El-Jadida, Morocco

The dry stone huts of Cassagnes, Pyrénées-Orientales

A bibliography of the dry stone architecture of Great-Britain

A bibliography of the dry stone architecture of Ireland

A bibliography of the dry stone architecture of Malta

Series: The trulli or casedde of Alberobello, province of Bari, Italy, through old postcards and photos:

- Photos of the first half of the 20th century

- The changing face of via Monte Pertica in the Monti district (1950-2010)

A selection of corbelled dome structures from various countries. Renate Löbbecke's favourite photos

Dry Stone Building

Quebec builds its first dry stone cabanon!

Building of a dry stone hut at Bourdic, in the Gard département

Building of a clochaun-like dry stone hut at the 6th Stonefest stone festival

Building stages of Pierre Martel's 'cabanon pointu' at La Bonnechère, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, in 1970

Folk Traditions

The balancing well in France:

1 - The sweep for drawing water: an overview ;

2 - The balancing well through postcards.

Tibetan religious architecture

An architectural curiosity: the thangka walls of the major Tibetan monasteries

Gardian's hut

A part of the recent history of Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer vanishes: the "gardian's hut" at "Le Camarguais" riding stables is no more



Sheep shelter at a place known as Rains, at Joncy, Saône-et-Loire

Les Cabanes, or Les Savournins Bas - alias "Le Village des Bories" - at Gordes, Vaucluse

Problems in identifying and dating a hamlet in dry stone masonry, the 'Village of the Bories' at Gordes, Vaucluse: initial results of an investigation

Dry stone huts or tsabones at the place known as Le Crousas in Vals-près-le-Puy, Haute-Loire

The "Cabanes du Breuil" at Saint-André-d'Allas, Dordogne

The upper-floor dwelling of the Savournins hamlet or "Village des Bories" at Gordes, Vaucluse

The stone caborde at the Museum of Franche-Comté houses at Nancray, Doubs

Turf-covered stone hut at Prats-de-Mollo, Pyrénées-Orientales

Complex of stone huts (tholoi) in the Velanidia Mountains, Magnesia, central Greece

The case of the Manosque “cabanon pointu” that shape-shifted into a “sugar-loaf bòri”

The Naveta of Es Tudons at Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain

Hut at a place known as Mas Audran at Lacoste, Hérault

Insights into the château de Chaumont at Mainsat / La Serre-Bussière-Vieille in Creuse



Vernacular Architecture

Borut Juvanec, Kozolec (Structures used for drying hay in Slovenia)

Borut Juvanec, Arhitektura slovenije 2 - Severovzhod / Architecture of Slovenia 2, Northeast

Borut Juvanec, Arhitektura slovenije 3 - Osrednji pas / Architecture of Slovenia 3, Central part

Borut Juvanec, Arhitektura slovenije 4 - Južna hribovja / Architecture of Slovenia 4, Southern hills

Borut Juvanec, Arhitektura slovenije 5 - kraški svet / Architecture of Slovenia 5 - the Karst

Borut Juvanec, Domen Zupančič, Besednjak vernakularne arhitekture / Dictionary of vernacular  architecture

Dry stone Architecture

Michel Rouvière, Restoring terrace-supporting walls

Prof. Borut Juvanec, Dry Stone Story

Prof. Borut Juvanec, Cabanes en France (an exhibition catalogue)

Michel Rouvière, The relevance of agricultural dry stone vestiges in the aesthetic appeal of Ardéchois landscapes

Michel Rouvière, Wine cellars and vaults

Prof. Borut Juvanec, Joya in piedra / Jewel in stone

My book "Cabanes en pierre sèche de France" reviewed in the Midi Libre newspaper



Coping of horizontal slabs

Main settlements of the Fontbouisse culture group

The nawamis of Sinaï (1)

The nawamis of Sinaï (2)


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